Almost 30 experts, divided into 4 juries, examined the finalist case studies and debated to reach a common decision about the most inspiring buildings, districts, and infrastructures. Their criteria? Innovation and energy performance of course, but also the cost and the replicability of the projects. The jurors paid a great attention to the message sent to the market, as the winners of the contest should help to prove professionals that new ways of building and refurbishing are possible. Thanks to the jurors from all over the world for their commitment!
Jury Sustainable Construction + Sustainable Renovation Grand Prizes

Christina CHEONG
Global Green Growth Institute
Christina Cheong leads the Green Buildings Community of Practice in the Global Green Growth Institute. Christina has conducted building advisory in India, the Caribbean, Tonga, PNG, Senegal, Serbia, amongothers. She has co-authored numerous publications highlighting green growth opportunities through sustainable urbanization. Prior to GGGI, Christina worked with UN Women in Papua New Guinea, where she supported city governments in addressing safety in public spaces. She promoted civic participation and improved management of public spaces. Christina spent 8 years in engineering consulting, designing climate-friendly buildings. She is also a LEEDS AP and EDGE Expert.
MOYANO University of Seville
Pilar Mercader-Moyano is a PhD in Architecture, Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage and in Expert Assessment and Repair of Buildings. She is Lecturer and Deputy Director of Quality and Sustainable Habitat at the Higher Technical School of Architecture at the University of Seville, Spain. Her professional activity last for 21 years working as architect for Public Administration and also for private clients in the field of architectural rehabilitation and sustainability in buildings.

Youwei WANG
China Green Building Council
Professor senior engineer, chairman of China Green Building Council, and former vice president of China Academy of Building Research. Wang has long term experience of green building and eco-district fields for technical consultancy, construction, research and standardization. He is the chief editor of national standards of Assessment standard for green building GB/T50378-2006, Assessment standard for green urban area GB/T51255-2017.
Buro Happold / German Sustainable Building Council
Thomas is a Director and Head of Sustainability Europe with the global Consultancy Buro Happold. He is also a co-initiator and member of its Board of Directors at the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). As a Harvard University Alumni he frequently teaches on Green Cities and serves as juror on national and international competitions.


Nathalie NERON - BNP Paribas Real Estate

Jury Health & Comfort + Low Carbon
Canada Office of Energy Efficiency
Jérôme Bilodeau is the acting Director of the Buildings and Industry Division at Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency, and teaches Energy Efficiency Policy at Carleton University. He holds a B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, and an MBA from HEC Montréal.

Architecture Joyce Owens LLC
Joyce received the 2020 AIA Florida Medal of Honor for Design and elected to the College of Fellows of the AIA in 2018. She left her London-based practice after 15 years, relocating to Florida. Her UK & Florida practices garnered international attention for numerous award-winning buildings & designs environmentally appropriate for their place.
Prof Yezouma COULIBALY devoted his professional career to training and research at the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE) where he started as a lecturer and researcher since 1985. Since then he has been successively appointed “Study Inspector”, Head of the department of Energy for Rural Development, Head of the department Infrastructure of Energy and Sanitation Engineering, Head of the Training and Research Thematic Unit “Energy and Industrial Engineering”, scientific advisor to the Ministry of agriculture of Cameroun for two years, then co-director of the joint center 2iE/Penn State at 2iE until his retirement in 2019.

Brahmanand MOHANTY*
Dr. Brahmanand MOHANTY is an expert in sustainable energy. He serves as the Regional Adviser for the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) in Asia. He was a faculty in Energy at the Asian Institute of Technology for over 3 decades. He obtained his doctorate in energy from the Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse, France) in 1985.
Zhibing MAO
China State Construction Engineering Corporation
Chief engineer of China State Construction Engineering Corporation., professor senior engineer, Class 1 Registered Qualification Certificate Constructor, member of Scientific and Technological Committee of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China (MOHURD), vice-chairman of the Green Construction Professional Committee of MOHURD, chairman of the Construction Engineering Quality Standardization Committee of MOHURD, director of Building Energy Efficiency and Construction Technology. Mao has edited more than 10 national, industrial and enterprise standards, leaded and managed a number of international large-scale projects, implemented green construction research in an early stage and took the lead in putting forward the Q-SEE theory of new construction mode.

Corinna GEIGER
Passive House Institute
Corinna Geiger is an industrial engineer with a focus on energy-efficient construction. During her studies, Corinna dealt intensively with the topics of energy-efficient planning and building, as well as economics. She has been a research assistant at the Passive House Institute since 2016. Besides consultancy and certification of buildings in all climate zones, she heads the working group on building certification at the Passive House Institute. Corinna also speaks on a regular basis at the Passive House Seminars, as well as on the University of Applied Science Augsburg.
Teresa COADY
iiSBE, FRAIC Architect, AIBC, AAIA, LEED Fellow
Teresa Coady is an architect, professional consultant, and strategic business advisor. She is the author of Rebuilding Earth, Designing Ecoconscious Habitats for Humans published by North Atlantic Books 2020 and distributed by Penguin Random House. Ms. Coady is internationally recognized for her innovative thinking and her leadership in sustainability and works closely with various agencies to continuously create new practices to benefit society. She is a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, a LEED Fellow, a member of UNEP GlobalABC and Vice President of the International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE). Formerly, Ms. Coady was COO of Kasian, and CEO/President of B+H Bunting Coady, both 300-person international design and planning firm

Carlos Alejandro CARRAZCO COTA
Alliance for Energy Efficiency (ALENER)
Carlos is an architect with a Master in Bioclimatic Design for Buildings and Master in Real Estate Development, with diplomas on sustainable urban planning and construction and complementary studies in energy efficiency. He has 20 years of experience in technical research, planning, design and execution of programs and projects of sustainable social housing, non-residential buildings and sustainable urban planning, among big projects and strategies focused on national, regional and local scope, executed from the academic, private and public sectors, as well as from international organizations and consulting agencies. Nowadays he is leading the Alliance for Energy Efficiency (ALENER) and the agenda of the GlobalABC Mexico, professor of sustainable design at Anahuac University in Mexico.
Stéphane works in the international cooperation for more than 35 years and since more than 20 years on climate change, sustainable development and, among others buildings, sustainable cities and territories. Since more than 10 years he is the CEO of ENERGIES 2050 association active and implementing projects in more than 70 countries on these topics.

Oliver RAPF
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)
Oliver Rapf is Executive Director of the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, a think-tank with a focus on energy and the built environment. Oliver is regularly advising governments and private sector stakeholders, serves on various advisory boards and is a regular speaker at international conferences. Before joining BPIE, Oliver worked for the global conservation organization WWF.
Jury Health & Comfort + Low Carbon
Qingqin WANG
China Academy of Building Research (CABR)
Expert in the area of building energy efficiency, green building, healthy building research, standards and project consultancy. Over the 30 years of professional career, he has led or participated projects funded by EU, EPSRC, Global Environment Facility, China Ministry of Housing and Rural Development (MOHURD), Energy Foundation and relative corporations with a total amount of £750 million, published more than 20 books, around 150 articles of high impact and claimed 3 patents. Besides, he is the main editor or reviewers of 14 national standards and 6 industrial standards. His contribution significantly accelerates the development of building energy efficiency and transition from conventional building to green building and healthy building in China.

Ann-Marie FALLON
Ann-Marie is one of the UK’s leading experts on Passivhaus design and has shared her experience at UK and international Passivhaus Trust conferences. Ann-Marie is leading an Architype team to develop an innovative process to create compatible workflows for Passivhaus and BIM implementation; streamlining the delivery of certified projects. She has a sound working knowledge of specialist thermal bridging and hygrothermal software as well as whole building energy modelling software. In addition to her work at Architype, Ann-Marie enjoys giving back to architectural education. She is a part-time teaching fellow at the University of Bath, and is a visiting part 3 External Examiner for the Technical University of Dublin and The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL London.
Mohammed AHACHAD
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Tangier
Mohammed Ahachad has been Prof. Dr. at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Tangier since 1996. He is a Consultant Expert on Energy Efficiency and an Expert trainer certified ADEME/AMEE and AMEE/GIZ to the training on Energy Efficiency in building and industry. He is a member of FORMABAT-EE network (Trainers network on Building Energy Efficiency) and the Technical Referent of the Thematic Commission: Sustainable Construction of the Moroccan Cluster EMC (Energy Efficiency of Building Materials).

Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI)
Laura Brown is a teacher-researcher in urban planning and architecture at the École Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI) in Bordeaux, and a member of the PAVE laboratory at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage (ENSAP) in Bordeaux. Her research focuses on the status of architects, territorial foresight and issues associated with water resources.
University of Liège - EnergySuD
Prof. Jean-Marie Hauglustaine teaches the scientific matters related to energy and environmental performances of buildings, in the University of Liège. His research team EnergySuD (Energy & Sustainable Development) develops tools helping architects to design efficient buildings.

Buro Happold / German Sustainable Building Council
Thomas is a Director and Head of Sustainability Europe with the global Consultancy Buro Happold. He is also a co-initiator and member of its Board of Directors at the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). As a Harvard University Alumni he frequently teaches on Green Cities and serves as juror on national and international competitions.
Jury Sustainable District + Sustainable Infrastructure Grand Prizes

Sébastien MAIRE
France Ville Durable
Sébastien Maire is an expert in territorial resilience and in ecological and social transition. He held several positions, ranging from Deputy Mayor in Besançon to Chief Resilience Officer for the city of Paris. Since 2020, he is the Managing Director of France Ville Durable, the network which brings together all the professional stakeholders of sustainable cities and territories.
Jury President
Qizhi MAO
Tsinghua University
Dr. Qizhi Mao, China. Professor Emeritus, the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University, Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences. His research interests include urban and regional planning, urban design, infrastructure planning, the application of new technologies in planning and design.

Inspiring More Sustainability (IMS)
Since 2012 Nancy Thomas is heading the organisation IMS- Inspiring More Sustainability, the Luxembourg leading network on Corporate Social Responsibility. She was at the helm of several projects at the national level. Mrs Thomas has been involved for 15 years in the development of innovative projects with positive impact in non-profit organizations.
Béatrice GASSER
Egis Group
French State Public Works Engineer (1985) and graduate of the French National School of Statistics in macroeconomic modelling and international economics (1990), Béatrice Gasser has more than 36 years of experience in profit center management, management of complex projects, technical management and innovation. For 14 years, she held positions as project manager and department manager in public organizations. She joined the Egis group in 2003 and since January 2018, she has been Technical and Sustainable Development Director. Guarantor of the group's technical excellence in France and internationally, she supports the business units in the deployment of digital and ecological transitions, as well as in their research and innovation programs.

Marco d'EGIDIO
Independent Engineer
Marco is a civil engineer, specialized in sustainability and energy in construction. He worked for six years for the Italian Association of Builders (ANCE), focusing on compliance and new technologies including digitalization. Today, after an MBA, he is responsible for planning activities in a multinational food company. But he still follows the Green Transformation as an independent engineer.

Mohamed NBOU
Independent Engineer

* These experts contributed to the book Conception de maison tropicales offered by the association ETIK2A and for which Véronique Pappe, director of Construction21, wrote the preface